Stouter Design

Site and Building Projects: TX panhandle, NM high desert, and beyond

Residence gardens

Native and drought-tolerant plantings, water use authority rebate plantings, pools and site structures
Texas panhandle, New Mexico high desert, and New York Hudson Valley

Residence zoning, utilities, subdivisions

Zoning approval for new construction, utility upgrades, environmental approvals, and subdivisions

Institutional masterplans and site improvements

Grading, schematic plans and plantings for community redevelopment, environmental remediation and educational and research centers

Renovations and new buildings

Conversion of grange to multi-family, passive solar renovations for single family buildings, new institutional schematic and single-family working drawings

Publications & continuing education

Publications: LAND Online:   Haitian Wisdom,

Continui9ng educationPresentations: Earth USA, Taos Sustain, UNM architecture